Monday, July 9, 2007


OK, I have decided to join the world of bloggers, because for some reason I feel like sharing my life story with the world! Know, however, that my life is not all that exciting, so I'm still not sure why anyone would want to read this. Maybe something exciting will happen to me soon and I will have something to write about. For now, I will just say how SPOILED and THANKFUL I am to do the job that I do and have summers off. Today I went to the first day of a 4 day, all day workshop/training, and it was tough! I had to actually use my alarm clock for the first time in weeks, and then I had to be somewhere I didn't necessarily want to be ALL day. Not that it wasn't time sort of well spent, but I hadn't realized how used I gotten to the complete freedom that summer brings. I know, I know, those of you who work everyday, regardless of the season, are going, Gah, what is she complaning about, but I've always thought, in any circumstance in life, your response is all about what you are used to. Anyway, not much else is happening, we have some family friends staying at our house right now, they've been here for a week, and are leaving on Thursday, I believe, but I haven't seen much of them in the last couple of days. Oh, how I long for that kind of vacation, where your entire days AND nights are spent visiting, sightseeing, and just plain having fun. Dream on, I guess. So, I guess that's it for now, check back soon if you are really all that interested in what's going on in my life. I'll try to post some summer happenings pictures once I get them downloaded.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mel! It's me, Jody. I love your blogs and can't wait to see you! I am trying to arrange for me you shell and her friend caryn that she works with at the school to all go have drinks before I can't. Love you girl!!